How to sell online with Systeme io? Whether you are a sports coach, an infopreneur, a craftsman or independent, if you have a product to sell on the internet, you need a suitable tool. Whether it is a digital product or a physical product, you will be able to use software that will do this automatically. This software is called Systeme io.

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Create a sales funnel with Systeme io in 7 steps

We will see how you can make sales with Systeme io to automate the sale of your products. We will see the operating principle. If you’ve never sold products on the Internet, rest assured, it’s less complicated than it seems.

This will allow you to understand how a sales funnel and an autoresponder work and how you can sell online and provide access to your product or to training if this is the case.

For that, we’ll start right away. But first, click on this link to register with Système io and benefit from free use to follow the process.

1. The capture page to sell online

Example 2 - Step 2 - capture page

The first thing that will happen in Systeme io is that we will create a capture page.

A capture page is actually a form in which people can enter their email address in exchange for subscribing to the newsletter or in exchange for a lead magnet.

A lead magnet is actually a bonus that you will give. For example, it could be free training, it could be an ebook, whatever. Something that is attractive in your theme and that you will offer in exchange for people’s email addresses.

You can send this product automatically via an autoresponder message to your new prospect.

2. Subscription to the list

The start of using Systeme io consists of using a capture page which will therefore retrieve an email address.

This email address will then be integrated into a list. This list will include all the contacts you will have.

That is to say, you have a single list in which all people will find themselves. Once they have registered, you will find, for example, the first name and email address of each person in this list.


To differentiate precisely the people who will subscribe to this list and according to the capture page that you are going to offer…

Let’s say you offer YouTube training and blogging training.

What would be nice is to have two capture pages. A capture page for people who are interested in YouTube and another capture page for people who are interested in blogging.

To be able to differentiate these two people given that we only have a single list, we will assign a tag to each person. The tags will allow you to differentiate the people within your list. A tag is actually a label. It’s a small annotation that we will put on each contact to be able to differentiate them.

With each attempt, you will have the possibility of having as many capture pages as you want and knowing where the people who registered came from.

This then allows you to send messages to sell online which will be personalized according to the product you are offering, for example.

3. The sales funnel for selling online

Qualified leads
Qualified leads

Once these people are registered on the list, they will be able to find themselves in the sales funnel. Because generally, we capture the email and then take the person to a sales funnel which will offer them your offer.

A sales funnel is in fact a series of pages which will consist of a sales page which will offer your product and then you can add an order form so that the person can buy your product or your service. It is a technique used to sell a product online.

You have the possibility to add additional products. These will be offers that will have a higher value, what we call upsells, or offers that will have a lower value, what we call downsells. The person will be able to decide to choose all the offers that suit them and validate their order. And then she will receive a thank you page to thank her for her purchase.

Once people have entered your sales funnel, you have made your sale, etc. You can also subscribe these people to an email list. There are three types of email lists.

  • Countrisides
  • La newsletter
  • L’automation

4. Campaigns to sell online

Campaigns to sell online

The difference is that a campaign will act, according to a given cycle. That is to say that you will decide that the person will receive a first message when they register then two days later they will receive another message three days later they will receive another message, etc.

You will actually establish a timeline of your messages to be able to send them to the person. It’s a sequence of automatic emails.

Therefore, once the person is registered on your capture page and entered into your list, you will be able to send them a sequence of automatic emails to sell online with Systeme io.

5. La newsletter

La newsletter

Then we have the newsletters. Newsletters are messages that you can send on the fly. This means that you will be able to send them whenever you want.

You can send them immediately or schedule them according to specific dates and a specific time. This way you will be able to create a relationship with the new prospect.

6. Automation for selling online

We then have the messages in automation. Automation messages are actually messages that you program, depending on the person’s behavior.

Let’s say you’re sending a message. You look if the person has such tags. At that point, we send her another message since she has that label.

Or it could be that she clicked on a link. We ask him: “did the person click on a link?” Yes No “. If she clicked on the link, she is made to take actions. In case it did not click, we make it do other actions.

You will be able to organize the sending of messages, according to the behavior of the person and really have targeted messages, according to the behavior of the people. This is called segmentation.

As you go along you will reduce your list more and more. Your list of people who will receive messages. But these people will be more and more qualified. This way, you can send messages to only part of your list or to all contacts.

You will be able to create your messages, according to well-defined criteria that you have previously set. This is a very effective method for selling online.

7. The sales page

The sales page
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Once these people receive automatic messages. To sell online, we use the sales page. Very often the sales funnel links to a sales page and also your newsletters, your campaigns or automation.

You will generally link to a sales page to make sales with your autoresponder.

Once the person has made their sale. That she will have made her purchase. At that time, the person will be able to directly access a member area on Systeme io which is also included in the subscription.

You have the right to host up to three training courses in the first Systeme io package.

Then, once connected to this member area, they can access their digital training.

Which is: either text or videos, it’s up to you.

To summarize the use of Systeme io

And so here is the main principle for creating sales systems on the Internet to sell your products is to use software like Systeme io which will allow you to recover contacts.

  • You create a capture page to retrieve the email addresses.
  • It redirects to a sales funnel.
  • You send a mailing campaign.
  • You present your sales page.
  • The customer purchases and accesses the member area.

Systeme io offers VAT management for the sale of your products.