Most of the time, when we talk about sales funnels, we think of digital products. However, it is entirely possible to sell local products with Systeme io which is very real. If you are a craftsman, a photographer or even a product creator. You will be able to create a sales funnel in just a few minutes and sell products automatically. This is what we are going to see together.

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Sell ​​a local product on Systeme io

Sell ​​a physical product on

To add your local products , you must go to the “sales” tab then “products”.

When you then click on “create” a pop-up appears where you can indicate the name of your product and then the VAT rate to apply to this product.

Once validated, your local product for sale on Systeme io is created. You arrive on the list of products. It’s not over yet.

If your product has specific characteristics, click on the button named “Add a new variant” located at the top.

This is where you can indicate different variants available to your customer. For example: “Color”, “size”, “dimension”, “weight” whatever you want.

For each variant you can indicate the corresponding options , for example for “color” you indicate the available colors such as “blue”, “green”, “yellow”, etc.

product variant

Don’t worry, you can modify these values ​​later.

The product is now ready. You can create a sales funnel to sell a product.

Do not apply VAT for the sale of products

You have the option of not charging VAT to your customers when they buy a product from you.

To apply this function, you must click on your profile, then go to “payment pages settings”.

At the bottom of the page, uncheck the box “Do not charge VAT to customers when selling products” and save.

Start a marketing funnel to sell local products

To start the conversion tunnel which will allow you to sell a product , you must go to the “sales tunnels” tab located in the top menu.

Start a marketing funnel to sell local products
Start a marketing funnel to sell local products

Creation of the Systeme io sales funnel

A pop-up appears and indicates various information to fill in:

  • the name of the sales funnel: indicate the name of your choice.
  • Currency: choose which currency you use to sell your product.

Then select the “Sell your products” option and click “create”.

Sales funnel dashboard

Your new funnel, to sell a product, is initially made up of two pages: a purchase order page and a thank you page.

Complete your sales funnel by adding an opt-in page (capture page), a sales page and a checkout page to your sales funnel.

Several templates are offered to you for the order form ( payment page ). It’s up to you to see what suits you best. Once you have chosen this, you can start configuring this page.

Setting up the payment page (purchase order)

In terms of parameters, you first have the name of the page and the URL that corresponds to it. Initially, numbers make up this URL. You can personalize it with a name of your choice.

You can award affiliate commissions and allow others to promote your offer. To pay your affiliates, determine the payment deadline.

The next step is to select “the resource” which will be given next. Select “physical product” in our case.

Then, choose the type of payment that your customer can use in the “offer price” section. You can create a Stripe or Paypal payment, in cash or in several monthly payments.

Depending on your subscription, you can create discount coupons. So, you can indicate for this:

  • coupon name.
  • A personalized code for the voucher.
  • A type of reduction to apply (percentage or absolute value).
  • An expiration date.
  • The number of possible uses. discount voucher

Edit the checkout page to sell local products

On the page editor, you have a certain number of elements that you can use. Add the “product” element by drag and drop on the payment page. Then select the “  offer price  ” element and add it to your page as well.

The available variations will be displayed. The customer will be able to select several items of the same color for example, but he will not be able to select different colors on the same order form.

This will be everything to sell a product with Systeme io and the creation of a sales funnel. So, you have done everything necessary to make your first sales.